Introducing UP Skills
UP Skills is the complete reimagining of our E60 program, with a fresh approach to drills, coaching and affordability. The program was conceived through our philosophies of dedication, hard work, respect and resilience.
See the most up to date information in regards to Chase Basketball and our programs below
UP Skills is the complete reimagining of our E60 program, with a fresh approach to drills, coaching and affordability. The program was conceived through our philosophies of dedication, hard work, respect and resilience.
3×3 (pronounced three-ex-three) Basketball is continuing to rise as one of the most popular urban team sports in the world. The 3×3 format has been played in streets and gyms for decades, including a streetball competition run by Adidas as far back as 1992.
With registration numbers at a record high in Domestic and Representative Leagues all around Melbourne and the NBL posting its highest ever round two attendance – basketball is booming!
Basketball camps provide players with and intense snapshot of the appropriate basketball skills and training to assist with the learning of the sport’s fundamentals. The added and as important benefit is that children will have fun while they learn!
Remember basic courtesy and good manners? Use your practices and games to reinforce these basic principles. Make sure your players can give a firm handshake with eye contact to officials and opposing coaches, as well as a high five to opposing players.
Basketball is one of the most popular sports in the world and one of the most widely viewed. It is a team sport that involves two teams of five active players each trying to score points against one another by throwing a ball through a 300 cm (10 feet) high hoop (the ‘basket’) under organised rules.
Melbourne’s Basketball Coaching Specialists.